Using Potions found in the shadow world summon shadows and defend against waves of zombies and protect your Cauldron from destruction!

Make sure to look at the "how to play" section below if confused. Made for the 15th Pirate Software Game Jam with the theme of Shadows and Alchemy.

Game Design Document:


Game Supports Keyboard, Xbox, PlayStation, and  Switch Controllers.

Movement - WASD / Arrow Keys / Analog Stick / D-pad.

Interact Button (Teleport, Interact with Cauldrons, Jump) - Space / A / B / X

Made for the 15th Pirate Software Game Jam.

How to Play:

The main goal of the game is to survive the most amount of waves and kill as many zombies as possible before you or your main cauldron are destroyed. You can kill zombies by summoning shadows created by your cauldrons and powered by potions you place into the cauldrons. You get the potions by going into your portal and transporting yourself into the shadow world where you can collect potions but have to be careful not to get hit by the flying shadows. You can buy secondary cauldrons to summon more shadows or buy upgrades from the main cauldron that can upgrade the shadow speed, the max health of the cauldrons, or lower the spawning time.

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